Recently, I have found myself to be very interested in food and the making of food again. I think relocating in sunny Greenpoint have reinvigorated my love for the art, primarily because the neighborhood offers so much variety in terms of restaurants. I've also noticed that the people here are equally as passionate with the food they eat - its originality, aesthetic, innovation, style, and most of all, its taste. These factors, as well as my stomach, has re-awoken my inner foodie.
I've always had this fascination and interest in food. I mean, she and I have been besties for 48 years now. My waistline is my witness. One, because my family has lived off on the food industry - my grandmother was a baker and my mom a cook. I also find a sense of community and joy in food. I consider eating as a very social ritual; that one enjoys food more so in the company of others. And that food makes people happy. I love cooking and baking because I can create something from seemingly benign components into something magical and wonderful that make people happy. I love inviting my friends and family over and just cooking good food to share and enjoy with them.
And I also love it when I get to share that same passion with food from other people. I feel this mostly when I try different small independently owned restaurants and bakeshops. I have just begun exploring them one by one and block by block. And you could really taste their passion and love for food and cooking. I wish to feature them more in this space. :)
Happy eating and stay hungry everyone!