DO WANT!!! And by God, I will do everything in my power to get me a pair of these men's gladiator sandals by Givenchy. And if anybody wants to know my availability, I will be standing on the corner of 42nd Street and 10th... Maybe 9th. 8th? Wherever the business takes me.

Anywho, I know that I could not possibly afford this pair of sandals. But a little boy can dream. This is actually just an inspiration piece for me. I want something with a similar aesthetic and effect that would be much... cheaper. Much much cheaper. And I will scour every fashion retailer, be it online or on the street, to grab me a pair of these.
P.S. I have no problem with wearing women's shoes/sandals by the by. It's just that they tend to be too feminine for my taste. I want something more powerful and extreme (like the ones above). Something that would make me appear like a gay fashionista and not just some cheap old queen thinking to himself that he's hot stuff because of them shoes. Maybe I'll even DIY it? Oh, and is it redundant for me to juxtapose the words men's and gladiator sandals? Thoughts?
Is it horrible that the main reason I've resisted gladiator sandals is because I don't even want to think of the kind of tan lines it'll leave on my feet? Well, that's just me...
ReplyDeleteBut I think I get what you're saying. I've wondered when the world was going to be ready for men's gladiator sandals. It's a thin line indeed. I agree that the pic is an interesting start off point, but I imagine something not much.