The wind is getting colder every day, the nights, longer and chillier. Summer's end. Autumn's advent. It's really a bittersweet sensation for me, especially this year. I had a lot of things happen to me this past summer. With moving to Brooklyn, getting deeper into my relationship, and opening up to new experiences and endeavors, it's been a lot to take in and contemplate. And before I get all pensive and introspective, let me just digress by saying "Haha" at "a lot to take it." :D

Anyways, getting back, yes. Myriad of changes this past summer, when usually my summers are quite idyllic and quiet. I hope this is a sign of better things to come. Or at the very least, just dynamic.
Get my wheels churning and my live a moving for chrissake! And what better way to commemorate this seemingly momentous event than with an impromptu photo shoot.

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