Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mob Scene!

I know that this is a "viral" clip manufactured by a fashion chain brand; which when you think about it, defeats the whole essence of a video being viral in the first place. But the kids are just so uncoordinatedly cute. So I had to buy in to their whole commercial ploy and post it on my blog.

Tell me what you think.

P.S. I always thought that viral videos are intentionally or otherwise unintentionally funny independently produced clips by the consumers of the technology themselves being posted onto the interwebs for everybody else's consumption. And not say, a well-thought of plot to increase revenue by posting a produced and manufactured video clip that appears incidental. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. First off, let me say that I enjoy some good dancing. Especially some good dancing by kids. But to make kids booty pop...really? I dunno. Booty popping kids always disturb me.

    I get what you're saying though. At first, I was a little lost. I was like, "Where did all these kids come from? Where are there parents?" Hahaha. But when I realized it was a H&M promo, I was like, really? Reeeaaallly, H&M? Yeaaahhh...it's gimmicky, but I guess I understand the intention. But then again, I just wanna see the kids dance again rather than find out what they were wearing. Interwebs:1. H&M:0.
