I have always wanted a bowl cut. Always have. And I attempted the infamous hard cut about a year ago amidst much skepticism from friends and family. Even the boyfriend hated the idea at first. But I was headstrong and dove into the deep end. I personally thought that it was a great cut. Not only was it easy to style and manage everyday, it was also a statement to my personal style.
Alas, I gave it up for a more accessible and approachable do for the Fall of 09 (I was going on job interviews for nursing, so my mom suggested that I had to keep my aesthetics low key and non-threatening). Then Givenchy released this ad...
Amazing right?
Yeah. Big mistake on my part for not believing in my gut instincts enough. Big boo to that. Anywhore, now that the weather is getting warmer in NYC, and the fact that I just need something to set me apart and make me feel a tad bit special, I got myself a serious bowl cut. And to hell with everybody else! Coz if you don't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else!? Can I get an amen up in here?
P.S. BT Dubbs, that was from Ru Paul's Drag Race. It's the gay-er version of America's Next Top Model aka much more fun to watch. Who needs Tyra Mail, when I could get some She-Mail every week?
I'll admit that when I first saw the cut, there was a shock to the system. It does make you stand out, but then again, you're the only person I can think of that can pull it off. So Amen to that, indeed. lol.